Saturday, March 22, 2014

Here in Samana!

Hello friends! Sorry for the delay, I haven't been able to post because of no internet connection but that isn't an issue anymore! I stayed in the Capitol for over 2 weeks because I had to handle the Visa processing and thanks to Jehovah it's all set and good to go! 
Yesterday I left and arrived to Samana. It's beautiful! It's a fairly small town but it's next to the water and so many trees and flowers! Love it! 
Samana I will say is known for its hills so we do walk up and down hills a lot but the physical work is worth it! 
Today we went to service. I went with two other sisters to visit a young deaf male. His name is Miguel. We studied the watchtower with him and helped him prepare some comments for the meeting. 
The pictures below show us studying with him but also us walking down the hill. I also included a picture of our kingdom hall. Ill post more as I get to know more of the area. 

Friday, March 7, 2014

La Fuente - Service

Well before I head out to the Samana, I will be spending a few days in the Capitol Santo Domingo, while I visit friends and handle visa issues.
It was great going to the meeting Thursday night and seeing all the friends! Only a few knew of my arrival so it was awesome to see the surprised reactions!
I love being here so much! I was in service this morning and walking in the heat and loving it all! 
I wasn't able to take too many pictures in the ministry but the few that I did take were while at the door talking to deaf individuals who are really interested. 
The first was a deaf couple who the husband we had not been able to talk to for some time because he was always working but recently he lost his job and was worried of how he was going to take care of his family since he has 3 kids. Their home was located on the second floor and those stairs were so narrow I couldn't see a thing! But after the sister talked with them I was able to discuss with them about my visit and why we were at their door. It was great because before the wife would refuse for us to talk to either of them but she was really sweet today and accepted the bible truth we were sharing. The sister who I was with plans to return...maybe a study soon!
The other was a young lady who stays home while husband goes to work. She has 2 kids but was taking care of a little girl since her friend asked for help, the friend is also deaf but the children are hearing. Well the sister started talking to the young lady about how important it is for the family to study together, and I at the same time started talking to the little girl. I showed her the Caleb videos that have ASL interpreters at the bottom. While she was watching I told her "it's important to learn about God." And she said "And Jesus too!"....I then said "you can see in the video that they are talking but they are also signing at the bottom, just like your family. You can sign to your parents and talk with others." And she said "yes that's right! We do that too!" And then once the video was over he said "another! Another!" I showed the over video about praying anytime. I then was able to talk to the young deaf lady and she was so sweet. She actually let us come in and see her little baby girl! But the sister will be returning...again another possible study!! 
Wow loving it here! Stay tuned I'll post more when I have Internet, since I have I come to a friends house to use it!
Love y'all!

Leaving Home to Sign the Word!

Well it's happening! The goal has been in progress for about a year now and it's about to actually happen. If I could say one thing about the whole process I would say..."THANKS JEHOVAH!". It's all thanks to him. I remember being in DR last March 2013 and making this my goal of coming back and wow I'm going again! It wasn't easy I must admit. It took lots of planning and lots of faith. I remember budgeting with my sister, to getting a job, then losing a job, and getting another seemed like so much was going downhill but Jehovah was always there to let me know of his support and love. Other things came up too! Emotional stress, lack of support, feelings, and definitely an issue of being able to financially handle it all. But again it's all set and done and all because of Jehovah our Magnificent Creator and Loving Father. Things always got better, more support was there and I truly appreciate it. To my family thank you soooooooooo much! I know my mom and dad took this move a little hard, however I am sure that Jehovah will take care of them and provide comfort when necessary. It's a huge sacrifice for them as well but they are in good hands! 
My sisters oh how ill miss the funny phone calls and the words we say but good thing that now we can have funny video chats! My nephews and nieces please remember I love you a bunch! Your like my kids and I only hope that you mature into the adults Jehovah desires you to be. My family remember I love you all! 
To my friends thanks!!! So many laughs and tears before I came but I hope your reading this and have good memories of our time together! 
To that one friend, you know who you are, I'm patiently waiting here for you! And I'm sure we will be roommates soon! I pray for it each day! 
My congregation wow! So much growth in the last year that now we are 2 congregations! AIR FIVE! WHOOP WHOOP! I'm sure Jehovah will bless with more growth in these next months and years! 
Well to all, you have my email! Contact me whenever! Again remember if your goal is to do more....JUST DO IT! Don't worry about every little detail, Jehovah will help you figure it out along the way. 
Love to all! Keep the goal alive! Anyone willing to come visit please come! It would be awesome to have you over! Dominican Republic is waiting for you! 
Below are pictures of family and friends, time we have spent together and just wanted to share a lil glimpse of it all! 
Keep checking the blog soon I'll be able to post more about my stay over here! 
Till the next time!