Saturday, March 22, 2014

Here in Samana!

Hello friends! Sorry for the delay, I haven't been able to post because of no internet connection but that isn't an issue anymore! I stayed in the Capitol for over 2 weeks because I had to handle the Visa processing and thanks to Jehovah it's all set and good to go! 
Yesterday I left and arrived to Samana. It's beautiful! It's a fairly small town but it's next to the water and so many trees and flowers! Love it! 
Samana I will say is known for its hills so we do walk up and down hills a lot but the physical work is worth it! 
Today we went to service. I went with two other sisters to visit a young deaf male. His name is Miguel. We studied the watchtower with him and helped him prepare some comments for the meeting. 
The pictures below show us studying with him but also us walking down the hill. I also included a picture of our kingdom hall. Ill post more as I get to know more of the area. 

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