Tuesday, April 1, 2014

ASL Circuit Assembly

Definitely enjoyed our circuit assembly. I also had the privilege to attend the circuit pioneer meeting on Friday! We had a 229 attendance! Wow! These are pictures of our group on the bus ride back home.
So many new faces compared to last year. This time I got to go with a sister named Emelie who is staying here for 5 months. She had been to the Capitol but briefly and didnt get to know much about it. But with her staying with me for 4 days she really got to know more of the city and of course all the friends. 
Being at assembly was so encouraging, the circuit has grown so there was a spilt, they have also added a new CO couple. 
It's beautiful to see the growth in Jehovahs organization. In the pictures you'll see us with the friends and the assembly hall located in Santo Domingo. 

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