Thursday, April 3, 2014

Las Pascuales

Just like evey year, JW's worldwide participate in the most important event, Memorial! Remembering the sacrifice Jesus did for us. Prior to the event we do our best to cover our assigned territory and invite as many as possible. 
Yesterday we did search work in Las Pascuales. Search work is pretty much like doing census, but since we are specifically in ASL we go house to house specifically asking if they know of any deaf neighbors or members that live in the area. This territory is assigned to the Samana group and is about 20-30 minutes away. The service group took a mini-bus also called a guagua here, and it dropped us off in Las Pascuales and then from there we walked, walked, and walked. At times we were on the main roads, sometimes we had to go into these dirt filled isolated areas, and then towards the end it started raining like super hard!!! Oh man but it was so refreshing! There is a Kingdom Hall in Las Pascuales but as of right now they only have one spanish congregation. Towards the bottom you'll see a dog that was walking with us, he was so playful! All of us smiled as he was jumping around andgetting our attention. There are a lot of street dogs and almost all of them are really sick and are afraid of people...So to find a healthy dog and have so much playfulness was nice to see! Also you'll see two small kids, as we were walking by they were playing outside, they didn't have any toys so they were playing with a large stick and singing to each other. It was the cutest thing! 

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