Monday, May 12, 2014


Well just as the Bible mentions in many occasions, we must be guided by holy spirit. Sometimes we make plans and Jehovah clearly lets us know exactly were we need to be and what to do. 
Therefore there has been a change. Starting this month of May I have been assigned to help in the Higüey ASL Cong. It's actually a recently formed congregation that started in Februry of this year. It's been a group for a long time now but thanks to Jehovah it has grown. The congregation is really small, about 25 publishers. And the territory is extensive! We pretty much cover the lower eastern part of the Dominican Republic. Below on the map you'll see Higüey to the bottom right. We also cover other towns like Yuma, Punta Cana, Bavarro, LaOtra  Banda, and many more. For now there is a recently formed group in Bavarro but we must support it and cover that area. The towns that are about an hour or so away we make arrangements to visit maybe every two weeks or once a month just depends on what can be prepared like if we go for one day or stay longer. 
The congregation consists of 3 elders and no ministerial servants. I believe we have about 10 pioneers which includes one special pioneer couple.
We have so many deaf people in our territory and I'm excited and ready to get to work. Saturday I had a conversation with one of our elders who is a good friend of mine and he said "We will accept and appreciate all the help we can get! Many more are welcome to come...please please please let them know that we especially need brotherly support."
So there you go! To all those reading this blog come on down to Higüey! To those brothers who have so much potential and can provide so much help to the congregation come on down! Higüey is waiting for you. Jehovah will support and bless all effort and work that is provided. 

Even though I have visited the town twice before I am not familiar with all the routes and where things are located. I haven't been able to take many pictures but below you'll see our Kingdom Hall. It's 2 floors: the bottom is where the meetings are held and the top consist of two missionary apartments for the two couples who support the spanish congregations here. 
So there you go! Let's share the Higüey experience! 

This is the Dominican Republic: 
On the far right where it says "Higüey" and then below it it says "La Altagracia" ...well the majority of that is our territory. Especially the southeastern area. 
The entire section is called La Altagracia but it's composed of so many different towns.

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