Wednesday, May 21, 2014

One Week in Higüey

Well I've been in Higüey here for a little over a week! I have been enjoying it, service is definitely making me work! Going out in service since we are preparing the territories it's lots of walking
And drawing maps! Bethel estimates that there are 400 deaf in our territory. Our local elder estimates maybe about 200 or so.... Everywhere we go always a new deaf person, couple, or family. It's amazing! It's a variety of the kind of territory we work. We have close and far,
City and country, university, just lots! 

I was able to visit a deaf couple who have a 3 month old baby! And I started studying with the mom! I'm so excited. 
I've been in ASL here before in the DR but never formally established a study that I will be taking care of continouly' I'm excited! 

Enjoy the pictures and plan to share more soon!

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