Friday, July 11, 2014

Barrio San Pedro

Friday mornings we do census, deaf search, in an area of Higuey called San Pedro. There is a town not too far thanks called San Pedro de Marcoris, but what I am referring to is a sector called San Pedro on the outskirts of Higuey. (Just in case you look at a map I don't want to confuse anyone)
Well it's a pretty large territory, there aren't any paved roads, mostly rock and dirt...but today we reached an area that's much farther than the other areas we have worked. Thanks to Jehovah we found 2 deaf! 👏👏 yay! But we were so far out that these roads don't even have names, it's literally like no address... We had to draw a map and make clear of certain locations. For example one deaf we wrote that it's up the path after the fenced lake. Haha. But that deaf man had this huge chunk of land and cows were walking around and there were some huge trees! But let me tell you we were literally in nature but it was so beautiful. So much grass and trees and the wind was just so refreshing. 
This was the group walking around the lake to get to the other side where a deaf man lives. 
Side note: the middle picture above I think should be on (just my thought) lol

We even came across a house that the owner had put in a lot of work in to have beautiful roses and various flowers planted all around. It was just beautiful! I happened to be wearing a floral top so I tried to blend in with the garden! Lol 

Well to get to the other deaf female we had to walk down this little hidden path. Oh it was beautiful! I loved it! We finally reached the home but the neighbor saw us and said "hey when y'all are done come by so I can give you mangos!" It's mango season and they are falling off by the dozens! People give them away because it's so many that they don't want then to be wasted and rot so FREE MANGOS! 
Panoramic pics!

Some of them were being silly, I would run ahead so I can take the picture. But then the group would stop and I would say "no keep walking I want it to be natural!" Lol and some started walking funny jaja definitely a good morning!

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