Friday, July 11, 2014


Wow so many amazing things these past 2 weeks. Thanks to Jehovah it's beautiful to be part of these opportunities.

The other day I was in service with Maribel, we were doing census in an area called Villa Cerro. Census meaning that we were doing deaf search, keep in mind that our congregation is new and territories are still being created and organized. Well going down the street at the corner there was a school. It's a sewing school for women, when we entered no one seemed to be on the first floor. We both said "hello, good morning..." And then heard a women say "please come upstairs". As we walk up there we realize there is a sewing class in session, some women were sitting at the sewing machines while others were at the large table in the back of the room because the instructor was providing some instructions. Well we approach the group at the table and ask if they know any deaf in the the area. All ladies responded that they were not sure, still thinking at the same time though. The instructor asked "why are you looking for the deaf???" Maribel responded "well we are Jehovah's witnesses and enjoy sharing a bible message with all people however we particularly attend a ASL congregation and would love to help the deaf learn about God and if needed teach them ASL". The instructor smiled and gave some encouraging words about how that is really good for us take interest in them. She then asked Maribel for her number so that if at another time she was aware of a deaf person they she will call and inform her. Around that time one of the ladies said "oh I remember a deaf person they live a couple streets form here and so forth.....", however we realized that that deaf person we already have on the territory list. Maribel then asked the ladies about the class. And various women said "we are taking the sewing class to be able to work from home. We can make clothes or do certain projects and be able to stay home with the family, we need work and don't want to have to move away in order to find work." BOOM that's all Maribel needed she then started explaining how about in these last few weeks we had studied articles about how the family should stay together, it can be difficult if a parent leaves to work from a distance and shared scriptures with them about how it's the parents responsibility to care for the children! God gave that responsibility, literally all this lasted about 15 minutes, all the women were very attentive, and Maribel at the end gave 11 tracts. It was beautiful.
Think about it where else can you walk into a class, have the instructor and students pause to listen about the word of God and actually attentively pay attention? I will be honest that during all this as time passed I thought "omg Maribel they are gonna kick us out and say that we took up their class time.." But no the women gave feedback sharing their opinions and agreeing with the scriptures it was just beautiful. Only in DR! It's just beautiful to see people receptive and respectful for Jehovah's word.
As mentioned we were on the second floor so I even took pictures of the outside view because the clouds looked too beautiful. They were calling my name! Lol

Well I still have more to share!!!
The elder Neftali informed me that for this month of July I will need to prepare each week with the number 2 talk to be back up. Well yesterday morning the sister originally assigned informed us she was sick and I had to help, participate, and step in. 

Also..... When I arrived to the Kingdom Hall Last night for meeting, my friend told me as I walked in "go look at the board..." And guess what???? I'm in charge of interpreting a Sunday talk in August. Our congregation is not close to other Asl congregations therefore brothers from the Spanish come and give the talk but a sister is assigned of interpreting it. I was so happy! I came to be used and I love it. I even asked the elder, "are you sure you want me to do this?" He said, "oh ya patty, I'll provide you the outline as soon as I have it." 
Please keep in mind that usually for foreign language congregations the branch provides local classes to teach brothers and sisters willing to move and help in that field. In all honesty I never attended those classes, nor did I go to school to learn sign, or have a tutor or anything like that. I learned sign on my own, of course Jehovah provided a lot of Holy Spirit throughout all of it. I learned sign by going to the meeting, asking friends what certain signs mean if I didn't understand, I would watch Asl videos and prepare for meeting, even not knowing much sign a while back I would prepare a comment for every meeting. Even now I find things to improve on, recently I posted about how now I draw my comments in order to connect to the information. What I'm saying is that I put in a lot of work into something I sincerely love and I am so thankful that Jehovah is seeing  all of it and lets me put it to use. If you have the goal to serve In another language or to do something more just do it, figure out what you love what you enjoy and go for it...every effort Jehovah will see and trust me He will use you. 
At the board with my happy face!
At the board with my nervously scared face when it comes time to interpret the talk. Lol

I'm still not

Our congregation is not that big and as mentioned before we only have 2 elders and no ministerial servants so in this case, this special circumstance allows the elders to assign certain responsibilities to the sisters of the congregation. Well Jael is a sister in charge of the territories, she organizes them, adds removes or corrects information and so forth. Well I was informed Wednesday that I too will be in charge of managing the territories!!!!!!!! Omg! I was like WHATWHATWHAT!!! Lol. It was a shock, the elder said "territories can be a lot of work and I would prefer to have 2 people in charge so training will start soon and you will be assisting us with that". I was in complete shock. Again thanks to Jehovah he is using me and I sincerely enjoy every bit of it. 
Sometimes as a sister I would feel that my work is limited because you know brothers take the lead, but as I said bethel assigned me to a place where help is extremely needed and my work and time are useful for what needs to be done. Jehovah guides us where we need to be, just have your ears open and be ready to listen. 

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