Monday, September 1, 2014

Interpreter, service, and all smiles!

Hello family and friends! 
Sorry for the delayed post. My last post was July 23 and since that time I visited Texas, attended international convention, spent time with family and friends, and flew back to DR. I must say it was a wonderful experience and meeting JW's from other parts of the world was encouraging! Love the brotherhood! 
Ok well since I've been back I've been a busy bee! 
I came back with friends from the sign language halls in Dallas and McKinney. They enjoyed their stay here in the Capitol and in Higuey- although they preferred Higuey! Just thought I'd throw that in there! Lol it was Beatriz, Jessica, and a deaf brother Joshua. It was nice having visitors. Jessica and I even got to do a demo for one of the thursday night meetings!
I love the pic above with the Tract! I'm sure we have all thoroughly enjoyed the campaign work for August! 

I also visited for a second time a town call Boca de Yuma, it's about 30 min away. A couple from the hall invited me to go eat at the Italian restaurant located there and it was lovely! The food was good and it's right next to the beach! It's beautiful! We stood and stared out into the water...just feeling relaxed and enjoying the view. It helped me meditate. I came to realize that my first goal was to move to the DR. Now that being accomplished what's my next goal? The goal to stay longer. I promised at least a year, and I've decided to make moves to make my stay for a longer period. Jehovah willing it all works out! 
Below Boca de Yuma! 

Well as mentioned in a previous post, I was given the responsibility to interpret a Sunday talk. As mentioned there isn't any nearby asl congregations, sometimes there are asl brothers that can come give a talk maybe once a month or so but usually the Spanish brothers locally from Higuey give the Sunday talk and someone from the hall is assigned to interpret. Well August 24th was my set date! They can provide the outline for the talk ahead of time but we aren't suppose to memorize it, it's just for us as interpreters to have an idea of the topic and what will be said. I am suppose to interpret whatever the brother is saying at the time on stage. Well it was awesomeness! I was so nervous and full of anxiety. After 10 mins into the talk the power went out, the projector could continue to work but the lights and fans shut off! Keep in mind it's hot and I was nervous omg!!!!! I was sweating hard! Lol but the talk had to continue and we made it to the end! Jehovah is kind to provide such privileges and responsibilities. Afterwards I recieved some positive feedback and points that I can work on. Always room for improvement!

Also in our large territory to the southeast part we have Bavaro, a town about 30 min away. Well at this time they are having a sign class in hopes of establishing a group there in asl! I got to visit the class, participate in the activities, and help the members with their signing! It was fun! We got to play with balloons! Haha 

And for my last topic of this post lol
I accompanied a friend on her study. Just like we learn in the kingdom ministry we should always be good partners/assistants. Well on the study my friend explained it all and then made me draw! It was funny.... for y'all who know me I can't draw for nothing! But a lot of the friends here like the way I draw the asl me ASL PICASSO! Lol just kidding! I love the pic of took of my friend Sohanny... Bible student is Maria who regularly attends and comments at the meetings! 

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