Wednesday, September 24, 2014

ASL Assembly

Assembly was very encouraging! I enjoyed it all! They actually used more videos than at the Spanish convention I attended but ASL uses all those resources in order to help the deaf understand. The assembly hall recently got a huge screen installed and we all loved it! Everything can be seen clearly. 
Cleaning assignements can be outside or inside, our hall was assigned outside in the front part of the surrounding wall/fence that encloses the assembly hall. 
Besides the beneficial spiritual food I enjoyed another 2 things.
1- I have been able to progress with my ASL so being at assembly I didn't feel lost of clueless I was able to understand each talk and follow along!
2- because I'm established here I felt like it was MY ASSEMBLY. I know more Brothers and sisters here so I felt real comfortable.
After assembly our friends invited us to Juandolio beach! 
For assembly we have to travel to Santo Domingo, that's something I'm not used to. I'm used to attending assembly either in Denton or Fort Worth and they aren't very far. But now I must pack and travel for assembly, something I'm getting used to. But we make the best of it!
Below are pics of all that I've mentioned and of friends and new friends at assembly!

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