Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Karen is in Higuey!

Well after assembly Karen officialy moved to Higuey and now we are now serving together! 
Yay! So lately I've been doing my best showing her how to get around and working with the deaf here.
Being together I can see how we provide mutual support and encouragement. 
Jehovah has definitely blessed me with a good friend and roommate!
She admitted that Higuey require a lot more walking than other locations haha it's always a walk but we make the best of it!
Here are some pics of us doing census in Villa Cerro 

That same day a sister didn't want to walk all the way around the neighborhood to get back on the Main Street to get home soooooo she decided to take the short cut and cross the river! Lol she made it carrying her daughter on her back! 

The following week we returned to the same area and once we finished we crossed the river however this time the water was lower and we could walk through it!
I was the first one to cross but quickly went back....why? Well I was so afraid of the fall not because I would get wet or anything but because my ipad was in my service bag and All I thought was "if I fall and my iPad gets wet I can't afford another one!" Lol keep in mind we use tablets for service so my iPad is much needed and used daily! 
Thankfully Karen held my hand and we made it though! What a supportive friend! Lol 

Another day in service we were searching for a deaf child... We had the area and street but not an exact location... Well my friend Jael decided to stop at this house to ask if they knew of a deaf child nearby... When she approached the house there was a boy at the gate. She asked "do you know of a deaf child near here?" The boy just stared at her.... Then a man came and said "I am his grandfather, he is deaf I'm sorry what was your question?" 
We started to giggle because JEHOVAH sent us exactly where we needed to Be!!
The family welcomed us in, we explained our reason for visiting, and they requested us to come back and teach him! 
Some family members want to learn sign as well! 
His name is Ander, he doesn't know much sign...but he sure loved the Caleb videos! 

Karen as I public witnessing at the park! 

These are some pictures of us at the Kingdom Hall. The first one is me talking with a sister who is deaf and blind. So we do tactile to be able to communicate. We appreciate and love our JW family!

A friend of mine took this picture and I love it because it a friend and I hugging!

And some more service pictures! 

And last but not least! We met a lady and we just couldn't communicate. She spoke Haitian Creole and no Spanish! So we used our precious tools! 

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